When Should I Update My Will

When Might I Need to Update my Will? It’s recommended to review your Will every 3-5 years or at major life events but it’s easy for life to get in the way and this get forgotten.  However, an old Will can cause difficulties for your loved ones if you pass away unexpectedly. So apart from […]

Who Can See My Will

People often wrongly think that their Will is completely private and only viewed by their chosen executors and the person that drafts their Will.  However, this is only the case when your estate is small and does not require a grant of probate.  When a grant of probate is required, Executors must send the Will […]

Do I Still Need a Will

I Don’t Have Much – Do I Still Need a Will? I don’t have much – do I still need a Will? The short answer is yes!  If you don’t have a Will you might want to the think about the following: More details reasons for writing a Will can be seen in our other […]

What Happens if I Die Without a Will

Dying Without a Will If you die without leaving a Will in England and Wales your estate will be shared out according to the Rules of Intestacy.  This is the legal term which means the state will decide who inherits, in what order and by what percentage split.  The Intestacy Rules set out a very […]

Can I Exclude Someone From my Will

Can I exclude someone from my Will? Occasionally we get Clients wanting to exclude someone from their Will, who you might normally have expected to inherit.  Excluding someone from your Will is relatively straight forward as there is no forced heirship in England or Wales. It’s important to make sure this is done properly or […]

my pets when I die

What Happens to my Pet When I Die? Paws for Thought – What happens to my pets when I die? With over 17 million household in Britain owning at least one pet, providing for them after death in our Wills has become a concern for our animal loving nation. Like many people you consider your […]

Why You Can Trust Us

Why you can trust Morgan Wills & Trusts Once you have decided to make your Will you will realise that there are many Will writing services advertised, but it is vital to choose one that is competent, professional and has the appropriate expertise to give you the best advice and service.  To ensure your confidence […]

Why Write a Will

Why Write a Will? A Will is a legal document that sets out instructions for who will inherit your estate and what you would like to happen after you die.  As many as 60% of Brits don’t have a Will and if you die without one, possessions and savings will be divided according to strict […]

Buying a Home

When should I make or update my Will? Buying a Home Buying your first home or moving house is an exciting and stressful time.  For a lot of us our home is our main asset, and it is important to make sure this is protected should the worst happen. You make want a partner to […]

Moving Abroad

When should I make or update my Will? Moving Abroad When should I write or update my Will? – Moving Abroad Are you off on a new adventure to live abroad and escape the rain in the UK? A foreign Will, in the country you are moving too, might not cover your assets in the […]