Dying Without a Will

If you die without leaving a Will in England and Wales your estate will be shared out according to the Rules of Intestacy.  This is the legal term which means the state will decide who inherits, in what order and by what percentage split.  The Intestacy Rules set out a very clear process for what happens when someone dies without a Will.

The rules of Intestacy are set out in our flowchart: 

Intestacy-Flow-Chart-2020 (click to download)

It’s important to note that legally adopted children are included here but NOT step children, half siblings or unmarried partners.  They cannot inherit without you specifying so in your Will.

There is a danger that by not writing a Will your personal property and possessions could pass to someone you hadn’t intended to benefit. 

If you require any further information to stop this, please contact us here or call us on 0114 399 5236.

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